Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's move-in week! I'm headed back to Biola to start a fresh, grueling, time-sucking, wonderful, and hopefully fruitful semester. I can't stinkin' wait to roll my sleeves up and dig in to everything God has in store for me this year. I'm stoked out of my mind, but move-in-week means that life is getting flip-turned upside-down (Fresh Prince reference intended). Because of the mania, there won't be a new post until next week! So, until then, enjoy these fun things the internet has to offer.

One of my all-tme favorite design companies.

An incredible magazine that I would give my left arm to work for.

A cooking blog that makes everything I make seem like weaksauce.

This HAT. Hot dang.

This cool DIY bag that I'm officially adding to my craft list.

I am NOT okay with the fact that this baby is cooler than me.

The conference I'm so hoping I get to go to.

Have a great day, friends! See you next week!

1 comment:

  1. adore...
    yes, that kid, too cool
    if you make that bag, i want to make one with you
    that hat, oh yes
    can't wait to see the new place (for CG)!
